PKR 400,000 Grants for Pakistani Youth & Students to Address COVID 19 Challenges

CALL FOR PROPOSALS South Asia Regional Project to Strengthen Community Resilience to COVID-19  As part of an EU-funded initiative, The Asia Foundation is implementing a project to address the immediate threat and longer-term implications of Covid-19 for the most vulnerable populations of Pakistan. The goal is to provide greater awareness of health risks and preventive […]

Applications open today for a Global Youth Citizenship Program by World Literacy Foundation

Registrations for the Global Youth Citizenship Program by World Literacy Foundation open today for the three-month community service opportunity, which provides training in leadership skills, community advocacy, and charitable fundraising. This year, young people from 52 countries will strive to rescue 200,000 children who are facing lifelong illiteracy. They will provide children’s books, tutoring, and […]

خاندانی منصوبہ بندی اور تولیدی صحت کے شعبے میں کام کرنے والی رجسٹرڈ تنظیموں، ہسپتالوں، تحقیقی مراکز اور دیگر اداروں کے لیے بین الاقوامی ڈونر نے 85 لاکھ روپے تک گرانٹ فنڈنگ کا اعلان کیا ہے۔ اگلے مرحلے کے لیے آخری تاریخ قریب ہے۔ اپنا آن لائن پروپوزل جلد ہی جمع کرائیں۔

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