Poster Series on GLOF in Urdu

In our quest for more innovation and outreach, here is another first in Pakistan. We have recently developed a series of posters in Urdu language to educate and mobilize the mountainous communities about ‘Glacial Lake Outburst Flood’ (GLOF). The five colorful posters are developed for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-funded ‘Pakistan GLOF Project’. With universal specifications, […]

Flyer on Gender Risks Assessment in Disaster Situations

PCDC has developed an informative flyer on ‘Gender Risks Assessment in Disaster Situations at Rahim Yar Khan’. The publication was part of a UN-Women funded series of IEC products, developed to sensitize communities about disaster risks in the region. It contained information about the history of natural and man-made disasters in the district and how […]